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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider : Legend System : Game Cube Date Added : 2008-03-14 14:44:32 Views : 38320 Unlockable Concept Art Collect all Bronze rewards from the following levels to unlock the concept art
Lara in bikini To unlock the white and black swimsuits for Lara you must complete the game, find all the rewards (including the ones in Croft Manor) then complete the game again under the time trial difficulty. Complete Bolivia Redux in time trial mode. This will allow the use of the "One Shot Kill" cheat which will help significantly. Note: This will also unlock everything else in the game, including the pistol upgrades, another thirty costumes, and the "Wield Excalibur and "Wield Soul Reaver sword" cheats. Peru: Play soccer At the beginning of the level, look to your right to see a soccer ball. You can shoot the ball around with Triangle. Hit it past the dummy in between the fences and for a goal. Pistol upgrades Collect the indicated number of silver and bronze rewards to unlock the corresponding pistol upgrade: Increased magazine capacity: 25% Increased accuracy: 50% Increased damage: 75% Bolivia: Gold statue After using the stone seesaw to boost the iron cages up to the platform, open the gate the normal way. Then, move one of the cages on the side off its plate just enough to lower the door one notch. Quickly move the cage back. Climb over to the exit and scale the side of the doorway to get on top of the door. The gold reward is at the top. Defeating the Unknown Entity in the Tesla room The goal is not to destroy the Entity, actually. The main objective is to remove the sword fragment for the machine directly above the Tesla turret. Ignore the Beast the entire time. First, pull the four levers around the room. They are on the outer wall and easily accessible. Then, hop into the Tesla turret. If you are knocked out of the turret, hop back in, healing as needed. Here, you must use the turret's "repel" function to launch the four lowered Tesla balls into the beams of energy. Do not use the "attract" function, as this will just slow you down. Once you have completed the entire circuit, wait for the electricity to die down then do it again. When you complete the circuit the second time, get out of the turret, switch to first person view, then use the grapple on the sword fragment and pull it out. Lara in bikini To unlock the white and black swimsuits for Lara you must complete the game, find all the rewards (including the ones in Croft Manor) then complete the game again under the time trial difficulty. Complete Bolivia Redux in time trial mode. This will allow the use of the "One Shot Kill" cheat which will help significantly. Note: This will also unlock everything else in the game, including the pistol upgrades, another thirty costumes, and the "Wield Excalibur and "Wield Soul Reaver sword" cheats. Invisible burning coat In the Kazakhstan mission, successfully complete the second part where you are on the bike chasing after the train. There will be an intermission sequence. During that sequence, Lara will take off her burning winter coat and toss it away. To see the glitch, successfully complete the game and get a multiple amount of clothes. Chose any of the clothes except for the winter clothes for the Kazakhstan mission. At the intermission sequence after the bike ride, Lara will take off an invisible burning coat. Character profiles Collect the indicated number of bronze rewards to unlock the corresponding character profile.
Legacy Of Kain reference In Croft Manor, on the right-hand side of the main stairs is a portrait of Kain, as it appears in Legacy Of Kain: Defiance. Eidos, producer of Tomb Raider, also produces the Legacy of Kain series. Unlockable Outfits Tomb Raider: Legend Unlockable Outfits.
Unlockable Cheats Cheats appear in the Specials menu and the buttons are repsective to your version of Tombraider Legend. Cheats are only unlocked when you clear the game or meet the following criteria.
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